My Story

Love & Wellness

I am here to help you on your journey.

Founder of RiVive

Why Choose RiVive

Personal health and educating others on their health and wellness, have been passions of mine for many years. Despite my challenges with health, I am so grateful for the lessons that I have learned from them because they have given me the fuel to pass on my knowledge to others.

Upon finishing university, and thereafter qualifying as a Lawyer. Like many, I wanted the fast life of a “successful” businesswoman. I became an international trader, I worked all hours at a stressful job. Fuelling myself with caffeine, living from one cortisol spike to the next. In order to stay on the merry-go-round of frequent travel, restaurant dinners and late nights client entertaining. Consistent routined exercise was considered a luxury in such a time poor environment, rather I would punish myself with gruelling HIIT workouts and sprint drills, in some sort of an attempt to counteract the abuse I put my body through with food and alcohol. Sleep was for those who didn’t care about moving up the ladder. I was going to conquer the world!

The rose-tinted glasses of such a lifestyle were beginning to fade as was my health, then on a trip to Bali a spark was ignited within me. After a session with a healer, I decided to change direction and follow my passions and true purpose. I began studying Holistic Nutrition, in any spare moment I could carve out.

After endless hours of research and listening to my inner voice, I chose to skip the medications and approaches I had been prescribed and follow my own “alternative” path. I realised that my body needed nourishment and love. I quickly learned that optimal physical nutrition wasn’t the only necessity on the path to healing. I was experiencing a massive emotional roadblock that was preventing me from getting better, too. Chronic stress, past trauma, perfectionism, feelings of not being good enough, poor sleep and more contributed to my state of ill health.

I then left my job and began managing my stress through a whole food diet, daily movement mostly consisting of walking and Pilates, meditation, reiki, acupuncture, and more. Well-being became a massive part of the healing process along with food. I also learned that what people told me was good food wasn’t always healthy food. Within a few months, I began to heal!

Now, here I am, working with people from every walk of life to help them manage various health issues through diet, lifestyle and emotional methodologies. I find immense joy in helping people get to the root of their health issues, and finding their own personal – JOIE DE VIVRE.

You don’t have to quit your job or wait for THAT wakeup call to turn your life around. I’m here to show you how to connect to your higher potential, overcome those obstacles, and live a more vibrant life.

Love & wellness, Ria x

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